I had been digging some more into content-organisation with Jekyll. My main goal was to find a way to organise the how-to’s I am going to write. I started with a how-to on Jekyll today.

Concerning the organisation of content I still haven’t grasped how the categories are supposed to work, although that much sounds like what I want for the how-tos. Tags seem to be a cool feature to access earlier blog-posts, but not the right one to mix in how-tos. So there are collections then, in addition.

I had a hard time to get started with collections, just because changing variables in the _config.yml isn’t recognised while building the site with –watch. So I changed things and nothing happened, which was confusing. Watch out for that pitfall. However, after knowing I have to restart the site, I was able to get them to work as expected. So I now have a page with an overview of existing howtos (see top of page in the header-row) now. And therein the first howto on Jekyll which describes all mechanism that I at the current use to build this site.

I will extend that as I go on with Jekyll, but at the moment it feels like I can publish stuff as I want. So I might be busy doing that for a while instead of getting further into Jekyll. What would there be to discover? Well, there are loads of plugins available to do all kinds of stuff. But as I want to keep this as simple as possible, I hesitate to even take a look. I do want this to be searchable, but general search-engines might well do the job after they have got to known this site. Interaction would be nice, like comments. But that probably will not work without giving up the nice security that these static pages offer. Picture galleries, or more general galleries of specific content, also sound appealing. So lots to explore definately …