Many things are started, but usually one doesn’t really know the outcome. No matter how much one thinks one does. This is also a start. The start of my first blog. And I also don’t know about the outcome. But …

But some things I personally do consider specifically interesting about this start are, it’s:

  • hosted on the anonymous network I2P.
  • based on the default web-server that comes included within the I2P router.
  • consists of static HTML/CSS pages on the server without requiring any Java-Script (generated with Jekyll).

Much of that stuff is rather new to me. So let’s see, where I’ll get with this. I will probably start by documenting my setup for this somehow. Don’t really have a clue how to organise things here, yet.

This Jekyll thingy seems pretty nice. I write this using Markdown. Basically only plain text with some * for the list above. Easy! But can do stuff quite some stuff at the same time, when needed. For example, if I want to talk about Python code, I can simply achieve highlighting:

class foo:
  id = -1
  def __init__ (self, in_id):
    id = in_id

But what’s much better, I can anytime use HTML (either inside the Markdown or as own files). This seemed important to me, because that probably is the most reliable of those standards ;) I want HTML because I intend to use some formulas.

U = R * I </math></p>   ⇒  R = U I </math></p>   ⇒  I = U R </math></p>

For the MathML used, there are many symbols. So that’s really complex. But at least it seems I can achieve what I currently aim to …

Besides HTML Jekyll supports other formats also, so this seems pretty open for the future. But there also many things to get into with this stuff. For example how to use categories and tags. But this is how far I’ll go for now ;)

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